Wyoming is the best state in the US to form an LLC in terms of Compliances and cost effectiveness.
- Package Cost of Incorporation is $450 ( all encompassing including 1 year registered agent fee and express approval of EIN)
Please note that the google search results convey that the Wyoming LLC can be incorporated in USD 199 or even lesser. However, this is an eyewash and many essential registrations like EIN and Certificate of Good Standing are not included. EIN registration itself costs USD 175. Express EIN registration (4-6 weeks) is even costlier. A general EIN registration takes around 8 weeks. Certificate of Good Standing from State of Wyoming costs USD 100.
- Company name (2 names in order of preference)
- Initial managing- members
- Present residential address
- Phone number
- Copy of Passport
- Nature of Business
- Name check and clearance
- All State filing fees
- Articles of Organization
- Initial Resolution
- Operating Agreement
- Registration Agent Services for first 12 months
- EIN (Employer Identification Number)
- Certificate of Good Standing- from State of Wyoming
EIN Approval takes 4-6 weeks time period.
Annual registered agent service cost and Annual return cost from 2nd year onwards will be $300
For more information and incorporation of your Wyoming LLC, please fill the query form below or write to mail@klaggarwal.com
Wyoming US Business Incorporation
Difference between an LLC taxed as a Disregarded entity and an LLC taxed as a C-Corporation
Taxation of LLC in US formed by Indian Residents
Forms to be submitted by US LLC
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