ROC – COMPANY INCORPORATION FILING FEE using Integrated Incorporation Form SPICe+ (applicable w.e.f. 23.02.2020)

Authorised Capital 1 Lakh 2 Lakh 5 Lakh 10 Lakh 1 Crore 10 Crores 100 Crores
Form SPICe+ Part A & Part B* N/A N/A N/A N/A 500 500 500
Form INC 22 (If the address for correspondence is not the registered address of the company 300 300 400 400 600 600 600
MOA N/A N/A N/A N/A 2,06,000 8,81,000 76,31,000
Stamp Duty (under Delhi)
Form SPICe+ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
MOA 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
AOA 150 300 750 1,500 15,000 1,50,000 15,00,000
Total 660 810 1,360 2,110 2,22,910 10,32,910 91,32,910

* Form SPICe+ Part A is to be used in case of Name Reservation Only for which Rs. 1000 Fee is applicable. After Name Approval ,SPICe+Part B can be filled for Incorporation of company.

Registration Fee for Integrated Incorporation Form SPICe+ (in case of company having share capital)

Nominal Share Capital Fee Applicable
1. Upto Rs.15 Lakh N/A
2. More than Rs. 15 lakh Rs. 500

Registration Fee for Integrated Incorporation Form SPICe+ (in case of company not having share capital)

Number of Members Fee Applicable
1. Upto Rs.20 members N/A
2. More than Rs. 20 members Rs. 500 per document

Registration fee for Memorandum of Association (MOA) (in case of company having share capital)

S.No. Nominal Share Capital
Other than OPCs and Small Companies OPCs and Small Companies
1. Upto Rs.15 Lakh
2. More than Rs. 15 Lakhs but upto Rs.50 lakhs
Rs.51,000/- plus additional fees @ Rs.300/- for every Rs.10,000/- or part thereof in excess of Rs. 15,00,000/- Rs.12,000/- plus additional fees @ Rs.200/- for every Rs.10,000/- or part thereof in excess of Rs. 15,00,000/-
3. More than Rs. 50 Lakhs but upto Rs.1 Cr. Rs.1,56,000/- plus additional fees @ Rs.100/- for every Rs.10,000/- or part thereof in excess of Rs. 50,00,000/-
4. More than Rs.1 Cr. Rs. 2,06,000/- plus additional fees @ Rs.75/- for every Rs.10,000/- or part thereof in excess of Rs. 1,00,00,000/-

At the time of incorporation of the company, if fee payable on authorized capital is exceeding Rupees two crore and fifty lakhs then the fee applicable shall be limited to two crore and fifty lakhs only.

Registration fee for Memorandum of Association (MOA) (in case of company not having share capital)

Number of Members Fee Applicable
1. Upto Rs.20 members N/A
2. More than 20 but upto 200 members Rs. 5,000/-
3. More than 200 members (if number of members not stated as unlimited in AOA) Rs. 5,000/- plus additional fees @ Rs. 10 per member, after the first 200.

The maximum fee payable to the Registrar for registration of a new company not having share capital is fixed at rupees 10,000.
Registration fee for Articles of Association (AOA) (in case of company having share capital)

Nominal share capital Fee Applicable
1. Upto Rs 15 Lakh N/A
2. More than Rs.15 Lakhs but less than Rs.25 Lakhs Rs.400/-
3. Rs. 25 Lakhs or more but less than Rs 1 crore Rs.500/-
4. Rs 1 Crore or more Rs.600/-

Registration fee for Articles of Association (AOA) (in case of company not having share capital)

Number of Members Fee Applicable
1. Upto Rs.20 members N/A
2. More than Rs. 20 members Rs. 200 per document